We got to sleep on a mattress in the middle of the living room because the bed had been packed!
I knew this would happen.
We knew free agency was approaching, and we knew it would be a little hectic but we vowed to take it all in stride and roll with it. Of course all that went out of the window as soon as the phone started ringing. It didn’t help that we mindlessly chose to move out of our house the same week free agency started. It seemed like Jeff was on the phone for 48 hours straight, Joy was cutting two teeth, and I was left to instruct the movers. It was also this week that I realized we had accumulated way more stuff in our four years together than I thought.
We made it though. Houston called with an amazing opportunity and we made the decision to pack up our little family and head to Texas. The decision wasn’t an easy one but it was the best one. As soon as the details were agreed upon, we hopped on the first flight to Houston. Literally. I had 20 minutes to pack a suitcase for the whole family and we had to get to the airport.
We are currently hanging out in Arizona while Jeff trains and Joy and I get to explore and go to the pool. Our stuff is sitting in storage till we have a place to send it. We are currently nomads. Next week we will head to Hawaii for a much anticipated family vacation. While there, we will be celebrating my birthday!
This vacation has been on the calendar for 6 months. Ample time for me to get bikini ready but as you can see, we have been a little busy. Yesterday, I was trying on my swimsuits and you know what, I look alright! I don’t look like all those pictures I pinned on my Pinterest for inspiration but I feel good. I can’t wait to show Joy the ocean, watch her touch sand for the first time, and enjoy the week away before football kicks back up. And lets be real— all eyes will be on Joy, she has quite the array of swim outfits complete with matching sandals, hats, and sunglasses! I’m excited to lounge on the beach but I’m really looking forward to our family portrait session with Chelsea Abril! We connected via flytographer.com. It’s an awesome service that can provide you with a photographer pretty much anywhere in the world. It removes the guess work of finding a reputable photographer on the other side of the ocean.
Fact: I am yet to print any of our wedding photos as I was waiting till we had a home to put them up in. I can’t wait to fill the house with pictures of our favorite moments together.
On the 9th when we return to the real world, we have to get to Houston, find a place to live, and my job is to find doctors, dentists, hair stylists, a place to workout, a babysitter, and pretty much everything else. I can’t wait to have a kitchen again so I can post some new recipes!
I have also been working on some HUGE changes for the blog. I can’t wait to reveal the final product. Many hours have been spent on rebranding the New Mrs.Allen and I hope you all love the changes.
Well, I have to go now. Joy is walking and has 6 teeth now! She loves to crawl in kitchen cabinets, open and close drawers, and dance to music.
Marissa A
Miss you guys so-o-o-o much!!! Hugs to all! Good luck Jeff with training and enjoy the sunny sky of Arizona with your two special girls. Please keep in touch. Best wishes on a much needed vacation and Happy Birthday Marissa. Kathy&Den