I haven’t been completely honest with ya’ll… remember that lengthy post I wrote about my husband’s season ending injury? Well I left out an important detail from that day. On September 12th, I also found out I was pregnant! It was a little early to share the news so I just had to sit on it for a few weeks. Well, weeks slowly turned into months and here I am 5 months later, a week away from my third trimester.
I had intentions of doing a 2014 recap post at the end of December but that failed to happen. Here a short list incase you were curious.
Got married
Used my passport for the first time
Mr. Allen got injured and had surgery
Found out we were going to be a family of three!
Quite the year right?
I am finally back in my kitchen now that the morning sickness has subsided, and we are busy preparing for our baby girl’s impending arrival. Registries, a stroller, and a nursery, Oh My! Here are a few pictures from the incomplete nursery.
We have also made sort of a Pre-Baby Bucket List. At the top of the list is experience a little more of Kansas City. Yesterday we visited the Negro League Baseball Museum and today we are going to see TWO movies.
At this point I can’t make any guarantees as far as how often I will post, but I do hope to log on more often, even if it’s a short post.
Be sure to check out my Instagram and Twitter for more daily happenings (links can be found under picture on right side of screen). I started a #Project365 which will encourage me to appreciate and acknowledge all the changes occurring.
If anyone has any tips for this soon to be mommy, please leave a comment below!