I can’t believe we are already at this huge milestone. I’m going to spare you the cliches, just know it’s flying by. For about two month now, we have been trying solids. We started with cereal, followed by purees, and we are currently trying finger foods.
In this post, I will be sharing what types of cereal we tried, the formula we supplement with, our favorite fruit and veggie combos, and our preferred containers for storage. I am not a pediatrician nor expert just a mama trying to figure it all out. Pintrest has been a great resource for recipes and I make sure to utilize out pediatricians website for some of the safety questions.
Hopefully I can take away a little of the trial and error that comes with introducing solids!
I still breastfeed a couple times a day but I do supplement with formula. We were fortunate enough to have found one that works for us on the first try. We have taken a liking to Honest Company infant formula. It’s doesn’t upset her tummy and she is willing to drink it. That’s enough for me. The formula aisle can be so intimidating. Find one that works and stick with it!
Our pediatrician encouraged us to keep feeding her baby cereal for the iron it provides. I started with Earth’s Best Multigrain Cereal. Initally, our prediatricial stressed the importance of feeding it to her on a spoon so she could practice pushing food to the back of her throat. Now that she eats like a champ, I just put a little in her bottle on the morning and at night.
cereal can be found here; must warn you it’s much cheaper in the grocery stores. Target has it!
Here is a little sample of what Joy eats in a day:
6 am– Wake Up, breastfeed
8:30ish– Breakfast: 5 oz. of Pureed food + 6 oz. bottle
NAP (2 hours)
11:30 am– Lunch: 5 oz. Pureed Food + 6 oz. bottle
NAP (1 hour)
3:00 pm– Snack: 3 oz. pureed food + 4 oz bottle
*I also offer a handful of puffs if she is still hungry.
5:30 pm– Snack: some steamed fruit/ veggies
NAP (1 hours)
7:30 pm– dinner: 5 oz. pureed food + 6 oz. bottle
Bed time is around 8:30pm
About once a week, I prepare Joy’s food. It takes a little planning but I can usually get it done while preparing dinner for the husband and I. Now that we are starting to feed her whole fruits and veggies, things are a little easier. I just have to be careful with added salt and sugar. This is a recent spread:
It will make enough food for about a week. I steam everything except the butternut and acorn squash.
These are the air tight containers I use to store the purees.
This one is my favorite–> OXO Tot Baby Blocks Freezer Storage Containers
These are some of Joy’s Favorite Puree Recipes:
1/2 C Applesauce + 1/2 C Oatmeal
3/4 C Sweet Potato + 1/2 C Broccoli + 1/4 C Applesauce
1/2 C Spinach + 1/2 C Butternut Squash + 1/4 Green beans
3/4 C Butternut Squash + 1/4 C Sweet Potato
1/2 C Broccoli + 1/2 C Butternut Squash
1/2 C Acorn Squash + 1/2 C Green Beans + 1/4 C Pear
Starter Solid Foods
We are having a ton of fun trying new foods, textures, and tastes. Now that she is starting to get the chewing mechanism, I give her pieces of soft, steamed veggies or fruit a couple times a day in addition to the purees. Here are a few safe choices:
– steamed sweet potato wedges
– steamed broccoli florets
– ripe pears
– bananas
– rasberries
– avocado wedges
– steamed apples
– spagetti squash
We didn’t technically go the Baby Led Weaning Route (in which the baby never tries purees) but I did choose to introduce solid foods a little earlier than normal. I felt MY BABY was ready and she hasn’t shied away from the new foods at all. She is curious and although very little of it makes it in her belly, she likes picking up handfuls and trying to squish them in her mouth. This is a decision you have to be comfortable with. If your baby isn’t interested, wait and try again later. Don’t stress!
We started with a mesh feeder in which I put cut up fruits in and she just chews on it.
This one here–> Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder
Then we proceeded to trying soft foods I placed in her mouth. We then tried Gerber puffs which I soften first then feed them to her. Now, I place food her tray and just let her go to town a couple times a day*.
*This is in addition to her purees. She doesn’t get much sustenance from the finger foods so I make sure she gets majority of her nutrition from the purees, formula, and breastmilk.
A couple weeks ago, Joy was a little more fussy than usual and would get upset when I took her out of her high chair after meals. Well, I learned she was still hungry. I increased her food intake and I have my happy baby back. Look for these cues. As they grow and get more active, they need more calories.
I really hope this helps. If it did, PLEASE share with your mama friends. If you have any questions or suggestions, I am accessible, jsut reach out.
Marissa A
I love your blog !!! And the photography looks amazing what kind of camera do you use !
I have a Nikon d750 and use a Sigma 35 Art Lens. I have come a long way but still tons to work on!
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for linking this post. This is such a helpful post for new moms. Seeing how others made baby food and their schedules have always helped me tremendously in my own mommy journey.
Great post, Marissa! Joy is too cute. I love that you take the time to plan her meals and use whole foods as well. Will definitely keep this in mind for the future! Thanks for sharing.